New research investigates how microclimate and habitat use impact the vulnerability of grassland… more
Graduate fellow Danny Szydlowski writes about his research into algal blooms.
Lance Jones, MW CASC-funded doctoral student at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, is… more
Postdoctoral researcher Ayla Skorupa writes about her research into freshwater mussels and other… more
MW CASC-funded researchers at UW-Madison investigate the impacts of warming water temperatures.
Alia Benedict, graduate student at the University of Minnesota, writes about her research on… more
Johnny Baakliny, a master's student at the University of Illinois, writes about his research to… more
This project will guide the consideration and inclusion of climate adaptation in infrastructure… more
Two MW CASC interns participated in the College of Menominee Nation’s summer REU program.
Outcomes of a MW CASC Annual Gathering discussion on maladaptation.
Florencia will lead a research project on Tribal Ecological Knowledge and climate adaptation.
MW CASC Small Research Projects support activities that have high potential to help inspire or… more
The 2024 Annual Gathering featured interactive sessions, research presentations, field trips and… more
This research was published in Limnology and Oceanography Letters in June 2024.
In Spring 2024, the MW CASC matched 11 pairs of mentors and mentees for a three month program.
Owen McKenna's research focuses on the Prairie Pothole Region.
New report summarizes findings from workshop on adaptive capacity of inland fishes.
Sarah Ramirez will lead research on adaptive capacity and climate resilience related to the… more
Shasta Kamara studies paddlefish at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
Emily Wasley joined us for our inaugural Innovation in Adaptation speaker event.
MW CASC Regional Administrator Olivia LeDee was an MPR guest in February 2024.
The MW CASC Tribal REU program will soon be accepting applications for its summer 2024 cohort.
This recently published guide was a collaborative effort among several partner organizations,… more
A new report offers guidance for disease-smart climate adaptation.
MW CASC Consortium Director Jessica Hellmann was a featured guest on the show's SOS: Save Our… more
Several MW CASC community members share about their experience contributing to the 5th National… more
New research from a MW CASC-funded project at the Missouri Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research… more
The MW CASC is collaborating with partners to investigate how this culturally important fish is… more
We brought researchers together to explore applications of adaptive capacity in inland fisheries… more
Rohini Vembar, graduate student, writes about efforts to incorporate climate change into wetlands… more
New video featuring members of our Consortium Leadership Team.
Researchers have found that assisted migration for genetic rescue is an underused conservation… more
BMIC staff are collaborators on an ongoing MW CASC lake sturgeon research project.
We held our 2023 Annual Gathering on August 14-16 in Indianapolis.
Olivia LeDee will lead the Midwest CASC as Regional Administrator.
The MW CASC has completed a technical assessment of our interim Science Agenda.
Marty Simonson writes about the restoration of coregonines in the Great Lakes.
Researchers on this project aim to quantify the responses of fish to climate change in Midwestern… more
New handout on how UV radiation might be impacting fish and fisheries in Midwest lakes.
Cory Suski is a Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Owen McKenna and Holly Embke are featured in USGS video series.
New research published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Ben Vasquez writes about his lifelong fascination with walleye.
Ally works to facilitate stronger relationships between Tribes, climate researchers, state and… more
The MW CASC Tribal REU program is accepting applications for its summer 2023 cohort.
Earlier this fall, the research team collaborated with the NIACS to hold focus group meetings with… more
Several members of the MW CASC community attended an early career workshop in New Mexico.
Dee Lobo joins the MW CASC team as a postdoctoral researcher.
In October, researchers hosted an interagency workshop on wetland-stream connectivity and climate… more
Embke worked with Mekong River communities to promote river basin resiliency.
Several MW CASC members participated in the event.
New research published in Ecosphere.
New research published in Global Change Biology.
Developing the next generation of Tribal climate change science professionals.
The MW CASC community came together for the first time in Madison, Wisconsin.
The logo is grounded in our values, science priorities, and the geography of our region.
Assistant Secretary Tanya Trujillo visited MW CASC members in Duluth, Minnesota.
Holly Embke spoke about how climate change is affecting walleye.
National and regional leaders gathered in Saint Paul.
“It is this innovation and commitment to equity that gives me hope for the future.”