Emily Kreiter

Emily Kreiter

Institute on the Environment Postdoctoral Associate 

Dr. Emily Kreiter (she/her) is a social scientist, with experience in interdisciplinary research integrating quantitative and qualitative methods using surveys, interviews, and focus groups. Emily has a PhD in Natural Resources Science and Management from the University of Minnesota, where her dissertation research focused on the gap between climate risk perceptions and pro-environmental behavior adoption. Using structural equation modeling, she examined the relationships between different sources of environmental information, perceived efficacy, and social norms, and their effect on risk perceptions and pro-environmental behaviors.

Emily has worked on a diverse range of research projects exploring attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors surrounding natural resources in urban areas, tribal lands, and agricultural lands, with a special focus on water resource protection. Results from her research have highlighted potential risks and opportunities for natural resource protection, and have informed policy decisions to protect water resources for multiple uses and values. In her free time, Emily enjoys cooking, traveling, playing volleyball, and snoozing with her dog.

The University of Minnesota's Institute on the Environment is the institutional home of the Midwest CASC. Learn more about their postdoctoral fellowship program.